Collective Worship Crew
We are the
Collective Worship Crew
we ahve a Chair and a Vice Chair we meet fortnightly.
We applied for the role and the reasons we gave Mrs Wood to be part of this team are;
"I can help Mrs Wood and the children follow the school values"
"Because I want to be kind to people and help people"
"Because the school values are very important to me and I'd like to help"
"Because it will be fun and interesting and I can listen to other peoples ideas easily"
Representing the School at The Remembrance Parade.
Our Collective Worship Crew have helped establish a half termly display in St OSwald's Church.
They have led the Harvest Service, Education Sunday, the Remembrance Service and the Carol Service.
They represented St Oswald's in the Remembrance Parade and laid a wreath at the memorial gates.