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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




Mr Allen- Class Teacher 

Mrs Peach- Class Teacher (Maternity Leave)


Mrs Dacre- Learning and Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Harrison- SEN Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Mitchell- Midday Supervisor

Mrs Shearer- HLTA- Wednesday afternoon 


This half-term our topic is:


For more information on what we are learning, please see the topic overview.

Homework; Your child will receive a piece of Maths or English homework each week in their CGP booklets (set on a Friday). Details of the weekly homework will be written in your child's reading record. Homework should be returned to school by the following Thursday so that we can mark it. Please support and encourage your child to do their homework as independently as they can.

Times Tables; Each child has an individual login for an app called Times Table Rockstars where they can practice their times tables.  If you lose your login details, please let us know and we can reissue them. By the end of Year 3 the expectation is that your children will know their x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10 tables and the related division facts.

Reading; Now that your child is in juniors, we will not be listening to them read on an individual basis as often. However, please be assured we will be monitoring the progress of their reading very carefully. The expectation is that your child still reads for 10 minutes every night at home. Please record this in your child’s reading record. We will be monitoring how often children are reading at home. Books can be changed any morning, first thing.

Snacks; Your child can bring a healthy snack to school to eat at break-time (fruit or vegetables). Please ensure your child has their own water bottle in school daily and that it is named. (No juice or cordial, just water).

Spellings; We no longer set weekly spellings for your child to practise, but we do encourage them to continue to practice the statutory spellings for Year 3/4. Take some time to practice these with your child; little and often is best.

PE;  We have PE on a Wednesday morning at the Leisure Centre. Children need to come to school in their PE kit and trainers. Please remember no earrings, watches or Fitbits are allowed and long hair needs to be tied up.