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Year 5



Miss Birt  

Welcome to our Year 5 class page.

Miss Birt: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Mrs. Morgan: Thursdays and Fridays

Mrs. Yeomans: Teaching Assistant (daily, mornings)
Mrs. Blundell: Midday Supervisor

Our curriculum is posted below.

Whitemoor Lakes Residential Trip: Wed. 18 Sep. to Thurs. 19 Sep.

Homework: Set on Thursday, due the following Wednesday.

English: a page or two of a CGP book. Details will be written into the Reading Records and also left on the noticeboard in the classroom. Please support and encourage your child to do their homework as independently as they can, completed neatly in pencil or blue/black biro.

Maths: a Doodle Maths Assignment, to be completed online or via the app. One set every Thursday.

Spellings: We are no longer doing weekly spelling tests. Spellings rules are taught throughout the week but any additional practise of spelling rules taught in school and of the common exception words will be beneficial.

Times Tables: The children are expected to know all their times-tables to 12x, off-by-heart.  Each child has a subscription to TT Rock Stars (online or via the app).

Reading: We expect children to read every day (not necessarily to an adult) for approximately 10 minutes and parents must sign the reading record. We will check this weekly: there is a new reading reward system being introduced this year.

PE Days:  We have PE on a Wednesday afternoon at the Leisure Centre. Children come to school in their PE kit on Wednesdays but please remember: no earrings, watches or Fitbits are allowed and long hair needs to be tied up. Children will be dismissed from the Leisure Centre at 3:15 where you can either collect them or they can walk home provided we have a signed letter of consent.

Snacks/Drinks: Your child can bring a healthy snack to school to eat at break-time – please send in fruit or vegetable snacks only. They can also bring in a named bottle filled with water only.