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Physical education and swimming

Mrs Peach is the subject lead for PE and Sport

Please find the evidence for our Sports Premium Funding on the Sports Premium page.  For our school PE policy, scroll to the bottom of the page. 

At St Oswald’s we spend time talking to the children about PE delivered in school.  This allows them to help us plan the curriculum to better suit the needs of the learners.  Please see some comments from the last pupil voice meeting;

“PE is important because it keeps us healthy, it is fun and we learn new sports”

“I have improved my sprinting and I can now keep up with my friends whilst playing football”

“In hockey I can now pass accurately”

“I have taken part in every QEGS event this year”

“PE is my favourite day of the week”

“I love all the PE lessons”

Our overarching aim is that, through the acquisition of appropriate skills we want to foster a lifetime of enjoyment in both participating and watching sports as well as ensuring the ideals associated with fair play and sporting behaviour are interwoven through all we do.

Physical Education involves the children in the continuous process of planning, performing and evaluating all areas of activity, with the emphasis upon performance and always trying our best.



Children are taught in six areas of activity:

Games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming.

All children within the school have two hours of PE every week.


Please see below for our overview of PE knowledge and skills.

Football, netball, rugby, rounders, hockey, gymnastics, swimming, cross country and athletics are all available at St Oswald’s either as part of the timetable for PE or as an extra curricular activity or both. The school recognises the importance of learning all these different skills and is regularly involved in competitive fixtures through the QEG’s School Sports Partnership as well as Primary Stars.

Our facilities;

We have a large school hall and playground which can be used during PE lessons. We also use Ashbourne Leisure Centre every Wednesday for Key Stage 2 PE lessons. The children often take part in sporting events with other local primary schools. These are usually at QEGS or Ashbourne Recreation Ground.  Please see Instagram class pages for information on events we have attended.

Each year we attend;

Cross Country


High Five Netball

Tag Rugby

Kwik Cricket

7-a-side Football

Mini Olympics

Swimming Gala

Short Tennis

We work closely with other clubs and organisations in the town- Primary Stars, Ashbourne Rugby Club, Aztecs Football Club, Ashbourne Tennis Club Ashbourne and Clifton Cricket Club. We actively encourage children to become involved in sporting activities outside school.